Faculty of Music
Welcome to the Faculty of Music
Education, Competence, Tradition
Composition, performance, music science, music direction
Faculty of Music
Composition, performance, music science, music direction
Education, Competence, Tradition
Faculty of Music

The Faculty of Music in Belgrade is the main state and the most prominent higher education music institution in Serbia, continuously existing since its foundation in 1937.

As the largest of the faculties within the University of Arts in Belgrade, the Faculty of Music academic and instructional staff comprises over two hundred teachers and teaching associates, along with a few dozen staff members. Close to thousand students are currently enrolled in all levels of studies.

IN.TUNE – European alliance of universities dedicated to music and arts

Innovative Universities in Music & Arts in Europe – IN.TUNE (2024–2028) is the only European alliance of universities dedicated to music and arts. We unite eight institutions to create a forward-thinking educational environment, empowering students and staff to address today’s challenges.

Learn more: Explore how we integrate a strong artistic dimension into education, research, and societal impact, impacting university communities across Europe and beyond.

Enhancing the digital competencies and entrepreneurship skills of academic musicians in Serbia for culturally more engaged society – DEMUSIS

Enhancing the digital competencies and entrepreneurship skills of academic musicians in Serbia for culturally more engaged society – DEMUSIS  is the Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education (CBHE) project funded by Erasmus+ program. It is a joint project focused on curriculum development activities aiming at enhancing entrepreneurial abilities of academic musicians to use digital technologies artistically, creatively, knowledgeably, critically and responsibly (both toward self and others) in general and cultural context. The objective is to introduce forward-looking curricula that will offer a sustainable career for musicians and provide them with knowledge, skills and understanding how to work alone and manage their own careers.

2019 – 2023.

The Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade has been reviewed according to the MusiQuE standards in 2019

The Faculty of Music of the University of Arts in Belgrade underwent an institutional quality enhancement review MusiQuE – Music Quality Enhancement, European independent accreditation and external evaluation body for music, affiliate of European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education – ENQA and registered on the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR), dedicated to the continuous improvement of the quality of higher music education across Europe and beyond. As a result, the Faculty of Music in Belgrade has become the only higher education institution in country and region reviewed positively by MusiQuE, confirming in such a way high level of alignment with European standards of higher music education.