Faculty of Music

Dr Ivana Perković, professor at the Department of Musicology of the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, has been elected for Secretary General of the Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC) at the General Assembly meeting held in Lyon on 12 November 2022. Secretary General has a voting capacity, along with the president and three members of the Executive Committee, in managing AEC as the leading voice for Higher Music Education in Europe.

On 21 September Ivana Milošević and Grigorij Nikolaj Jakovljević successfully graduated in the field of Music direction as first ever masters of music direction in the region. In their master projects they have shown exceptional knowledge and progress during their two-year study program realized at the Faculty of Music Department of Composition.

Ethnomusicologist dr Jasmina Talam, professor at the Department of musicology and ethnomusicology from the Music Academy, University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), will hold a number of lectures to the Faculty of Music in Belgrade students of ethnomusicology, from May 16 to 20, 2022.

Trio “Damase” (Class: Prof. Goran Marinković, DMA) and String quartet “NAJM” (Class: Prof. Ladislav Mezei, MMus) are laureates in the fifth category of III International Chamber Music Competition “Olivera Djurdjevic”, held in Belgrade on  22-23 March 2022. Additionally, students from the Faculty of Music in Belgrade had won three more 1st prizes (Duo “Flegma”, Trio “Ultima Volta” and Trio “Fiori”), two 2nd (for String quartet “Oniks” and trio “Épicée”) and one third for duo “Mamori-Tai”.

From March 31 to April 3 2022, the Faculty of Music in Belgrade will be proud host to Martin Prchal, vice-principal at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague (Netherlands). During his stay, he will meet the students of BA, MA and PhD studies and talked them through diverse ways and means of integrating entrepreneurial approach in music with artistic identities, music performance and research practice and professional integration.
Martin Prchal’s visit is organized in the framework of the Erasmus+ CBHE DEMUSIS project.
More on the topics and schedule of lectures and workshops for students can be found here.