Faculty of Music

Interdisciplinary vocational-artistic-scientific conference Folklore in Music Education, organized by the Faculty of Music in Belgrade Department of Solfeggio and Music Pedagogy and Serbian Forum for Research in Music Education, will be held from 1-3 October 2021, at three locations.
On Friday, October 1, the 4th International Student Forum of Performing Arts – SFPA will be held at the Youth Office Vračar (Radoslava Grujića 3, Belgrade).
The 24th International Pedagogical Forum of Performing Arts – PFPA will be held on Saturday October 2, and Sunday October 3, in the Rectorate of the University of Arts in Belgrade (Kosančićev venac 29).
The online participance throughout the conference is available via Zoom platform.

Individual classes begin on Friday, October 1st 2021.

Bachelor courses begin on Monday, October 4th 2021

Master, Specialist and PhD courses begin on Monday, October 11th 2021.

Preliminary teaching schedule for the fall semester of the academic year 2021/22 is available on page Teaching schedule.

Guidelines for teaching are available here.

  • All individual classes will be held at the Faculty of Music premises, or in rented classrooms at the Teaching Education Faculty;
  • Theoretical lectures (such as: Psychology, History of Music, Aesthetics, History of Arts, foreign languages and others) will be held online via various platforms for distance teaching and learning (Zoom, YouTube, Skype, Viber, Google Classroom, RCUBeLearning Moodle platform, and other). Content for theoretical lectures must be made available to students no less than 7 days, regardless of their tasks at the Faculty of music of Teaching Education Faculty’s premises;

Jennifer Ward, editor in the RISM Editorial Center (Germany), held two online presentations in May about the RISM project (Répertoire International des Sources Musicales).
The first presentation, on May 17th 2021, focused on RISM aims and objectives, the catalogue with data on historical musical sources around the world, as well as possibilities of its application in the field of digital humanities and digital musicology.
A few days later, on May 20th, Jennifer Ward presented RISM’s central program MUSCAT, with software for cataloging of diverse musical sources, such as manuscripts, printed music, libretti and treatises.
The presentations were held on the initiative of prof. Ivana Perković, and attended by Faculty of Music teachers, students and the Head of the Faculty’s Library.
Introduction to RISM and establishing contact with its editorial presents an excellent grounds for inclusion of Serbian musicologists and librarians into this international project and presentation of Serbian musical heritage on the international platform with free access (https://opac.rism.info).

Monday, 8th February 2021
The new issue of New Sound journal

The new issue of the International journal of music New Sound vol. 56/II (2020), published by the Department of Musicology of the Faculty of Music, has been released.
The complete issue is available at the journal’s website.

In the honor and memory of our respected colleague, composer and theoretician Mirjana Živković, professor at the Faculty of Music who passed away on April 26th 2020, the Department of Music Theory organizes the roundtable “In honor of Professor Mirjana Živković: composition, music theory, pedagogy”.
The assembly will be held on May 15th 2021 at 12 in the Great hall of the Faculty of Music.
We are hereby kindly inviting colleagues to take part in the meeting.
The participant applications can be sent by April 15th 2021 to: okruglisto2021@fmu.bg.ac.rs

Organizing committee: dr Anica Sabo, dr Jelena Mihajlović Marković, dr Ivana Ilić

The Department of Musicology of the Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade, has decided to postpone the Conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Conference will take place in Belgrade from 21 to 23 October 2021. The abstract submission deadline is extended to March 15th, 2021.
Additional information available at the Conference website: musicmusicologyinterpretation2020