To regularly receive updates about calls, academic initiatives, mobility opportunities, and events within the IN.TUNE Alliance, we invite you to subscribe to the IN.TUNE newsletter. The Alliance provides a unique platform for knowledge exchange and artistic and academic collaboration among eight European universities specialized in music and the arts.
The European University Alliance IN.TUNE has expressed “unwavering solidarity with the students and academic community of the University of Arts in Belgrade,” stating that it has been closely monitoring developments at our university and beyond with deep concern.
The Electoral Council of the Faculty of Music Arts in Belgrade fully supports the demands of the students, adopts them as its own, and accordingly decides to continue the suspension of classes and exams at all levels of study until the end of student blockades.
This decision continues the unequivocal support for the students and their legitimate demands, which the Teaching-Artistic-Scientific Council of the Faculty has supported since the first days of the blockade.
The Verbier Festival Orchestra (VFO) is a rite of passage for today’s exceptional young orchestra musicians. It has brought together rising talents with the foremost conductors and soloists of our time for more than 20 years, earning it the reputation as one of the best training orchestras on the planet.
Musicians aged 18 to 28 can apply via video or live audition to join this exceptional training programme. From 30 June – 4 August 2025, students will receive intensive coaching by players from top international orchestras, as well as celebrated conductors (Klaus Mäkelä, Barbara Hannigan, Manfred Honeck, Paavo Järvi, Fabio Luisi, and Teodor Currentzis). The concerts will be broadcast on
2025 applications are now open. The video audition application deadline is 16 January 2025. You can find all details about the application and audition process here:
VFO alumni have gone on to join leading orchestras around the world, including the Berlin, Israel, New York and Vienna Philharmonics, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Royal Concertgebouw, Boston, Chicago and London Symphony Orchestras, and many more.
The VFO is part of the Verbier Festival Training programmes. Other opportunities for students include: the Verbier Festival Junior Orchestra (orchestral training for 15–18-year-olds), the Verbier Festival Academy (Soloists, Singers, Ensembles, Creative Entrepreneurs, Audio Engineers), and the Verbier Festival Conducting Programme. Find out more:
The Traditional Winter Concert of the Symphony Orchestra of the Faculty of Music
The traditional winter concert of the Symphony Orchestra of the Faculty of Music (FoM) was held on Tuesday, December 10th, in the Great Hall of the Kolarac Endowment, starting at 8 PM. The Symphony Orchestra was conducted by the world-renowned maestro Srboljub Dinić, with guitarist Milun Šunjevarić and violinist Matija Spasojević performing as soloists.
During the event, the new Dean of the Faculty of Music, Professor Slobodan Gerić, addressed the audience, followed by the presentation of certificates of appreciation to individuals and institutions for their exceptional contributions and merits to the Faculty. As special guests, students from the Faculty of Arts at the University of Banja Luka joined the FoM students. The Academic Tuba Quartet, consisting of Krunoslav Babić, Milun Mitić, Nikola Čopić, and Filip Knežević, performed works by Mozart, Handel, Clarke, Susato, and Hutchinson during the intermission in the Kolarac lobby.

On December 9, 2024, during a student meeting held in the FMU hall starting at 5:30 PM, a blockade of the Faculty of Music Arts was announced.
The blockade will take effect from Wednesday, December 11, 2024, symbolically starting at 11:52 AM.
The blockade was voted in via an online poll conducted through the e-student platform, with over 50% of the student body participating.
We believe it is necessary for all of us to stand with our colleagues, especially those from the University of Arts, with whom we share strong professional and collegial ties. We hereby reiterate our condemnation of the violence inflicted upon students, professors, and teachers during the peaceful expression of grief for the victims in Novi Sad.
As future artists and scholars who wish to enrich the culture of our country, we demand to live in a civilized society where all human rights are respected. We appeal to the authorities to take action.
All future decisions regarding further steps will be made at student meetings where all students of our Faculty can attend and have the right to vote.
We distance ourselves from all parties, formal and informal groups, to preserve the autonomy of the students.
Students of the Faculty of Music
The executive director of the Euroleague coaching board, Goran Šašić, presented a donation of the Euroleague to the Faculty of Music, a violin, which is the property of one of the most successful basketball coaches, Dimitris Itudis.
The donation was officially received by the dean of the Faculty of Music, Slobodan Gerić, and the handover was attended by the talented student Jelisaveta Zorić.
IN.TUNE call for proposals for innovative educational formats in music and art
IN.TUNE alliance has launched a call for proposals for innovative educational formats in music and art within the alliance. This initiative calls for project ideas that offer new perspectives and methods in music and art education while connecting partner institutions.
Thematic circles: music, performance, improvisation, composition, music education, conducting, (ethno)musicology and music theory, music production, entrepreneurship, employability, musician’s health, music mediation, dance, theater, media, fine and applied arts,. Inter and transdisciplinary approaches that integrate multiple fields and perspectives are especially encouraged.
Who can apply? Students and teachers, from any IN.TUNE partner institution!
Innovative formats: combined intensive programs (BIP), joint online courses, joint modules, and joint study programs.
Interdisciplinary and collaborative: Proposals that integrate multiple disciplines and foster collaboration across thematic areas of the alliance and partner institutions are strongly encouraged.
Support: Successful proposals will receive financial, administrative, and organizational support, with access to Erasmus+ and IN.TUNE funds.
Contact: If you would like to submit a proposal, please get in touch with the Institutional Alliance Manager (IAM) at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, Ivana Perković. Support may include general guidance on educational formats and invitation, guidance on organizational aspects, coordination with other potentially interested parties across the IN.TUNE alliance.
Formal requirements: the proposal must be submitted in English; BIPs, joint modules, and joint programs should contain combinations of physical and online mobility for students and/or teachers; participants should be awarded ESPB, which are recognized by all IN.TUNE institutions; proposals should comply with the minimum number of participating IN.TUNE institutions; proposals must describe how the proposal is innovative in higher music education.
Application process: Applications must be submitted by December 8, 23:59 CET; the application should include a letter of institutional support; proposals will be selected according to the above criteria stated in the application; results will be published in February 2025.
More information about the innovative joint educational formats, participation benefits, application process, requirements, and selection criteria can be found in the CALL FOR PROPOSALS.

Join the IN.TUNE alliance in strengthening our research dimension! This opportunity allows for international collaboration, sharing of expertise, and driving innovative research initiatives. Apply by July 31, 2024, to be part of this dynamic group.
The European Universities Alliance IN.TUNE is looking for members for its Working group Research Areas and Environments. The work period of this group will be from mid-September 2024 until the end of 2027.
Eight persons altogether will be recruited for this working group, one from each partner institution.
This group will be working with:
- an inventory and comparative analysis of research
- identifying research areas for further cooperation and joint research
- setting up a knowledge hub
- curating content for a conference
- contributing to the formulation of IN.TUNE research position paper
The working group will work together with the Work package 4 committee members.
We are looking for candidates from the academic staff with scientific or artistic research responsibilities, research leaders who are in contact with the broad scope of research activities of their institution, research administrators or specialists.
Additional information:
IN.TUNE Institutional alliance manager, professor Ivana Perkovic
IN.TUNE Work package 4 member, professor Dejan Subotic
Link to the Briefing Paper BRIEFING PAPER IN.TUNE WP 4.pdf
Link to IN.TUNE webpage
Thank you to the whole IN.TUNE – Innovative Universities in Music & Arts in Europe community for joining us on March 6th 2024 for the kickoff online meeting.
270 students, teachers, researchers and members of staff from 8 universities in the field of music and arts joined us to hear more on how to be:
– TUNE with each other
– TUNE with our institutional strategic policies
– TUNE with the latest developments in higher education at European level
– TUNE together, with the demands from society
Take a look into the Alliance presentation that was shown at the Kick-off meeting.
IN.TUNE invites you to join us in exploring cooperation opportunities.