Faculty of Music

Blanka Bogunović, PhD

Professor of Psychology and Pedagogy, retired

Blanka Bogunović holds a PhD in Psychology (University of Belgrade) and a BA from the Faculty of Music in Belgrade (flute), and also holds the title of Senior Research Associate (Institute for Educational Research in Belgrade). She is a full professor in the fields of Psychology and Pedagogy at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade and teaches at undergraduate, master’s and doctoral levels. At the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, the Department of Psychology she teaches the course Psychology of Music at doctoral level (since 2014) and Introduction to the Psychology of Music at undergraduate level (since 2023). She is a visiting professor at the Academy of Music, University of Sarajevo (since 2009), as well as at the Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac (2015–2020). Her research interests include: psychological aspects of musical talent and education of the musically gifted, development of musical performance skills, emotional and creative processes in music creation and performance, and interdisciplinary studies in music.

Blanka Bogunović is the author of the book Musical Talent and Successfulness (2008/2010), which received the national award “Dr Borislav Stevanović” for contribution to psychology in Serbia (2009), co-author of the monograph Interdisciplinary approach to music: Listening, performing, composing (2014) and co-editor of the book Cooperation between school and family (2007). Professor Bogunović was the president of the Music Psychology Section of the Serbian Psychological Society (2006–2016), which received the “Ljuba Stojić” award for contribution to the development of the psychological profession (2012). Bogunović is the recipient of two letters of appreciation for exceptional merit and contribution to the Faculty of Music (2018 and 2023). She is the (co)author of 6 books in the field of psychology and music and the professional editor of three translated books in this field. She publishes extensively, has over 100 published papers in national and international journals and thematic proceedings, and presents her research at conferences in Serbia and abroad (over 100 appearances).

Prof. Bogunović is active in international organizations. She is the Correspondent of the European Council for High Abilities (ECHA) for Serbia (2013–2014, 2017–2020) and the Representative of the European Society for Cognitive Sciences on Music (ESCOM) for Serbia (since 2018), as well as a member of the ESCOM Executive Board since 2020 (EC ESCOM at-large). Prof. Bogunović is the founder of the international conference Psychology and Music – Interdisciplinary Encounters (PAM-IE 2019 Belgrade, PAM-IE 2022 Belgrade), was the President of the Program and Organizing Committee, and an advisor to the Program Committee of the third conference PAM-IE 2024 Zagreb. Dr. Blanka Bogunović is the initiator, co-founder and coordinator of the Regional Network Psychology and Music (RNPaM), since 2020.

Her latest publication, which has attracted widespread attention through the successful networking of authors from the Western Balkans and Western Europe working in the interdisciplinary field of music psychology, is a book published in open access by a leading British publisher, co-edited by: Bogunović, B., Timmers, R., & Nikolić, S. (2024) (Eds.). Psychological perspectives on musical experiences and skills. Research in the Western Balkans and Western Europe. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers. https://www.openbookpublishers.com/books/10.11647/obp.0389

A translation of the second edition of the book Psychology for Musicians (2024) has recently been published in Serbian, published by the Faculty of Music and Orion Art Books, for which Professor Bogunović was the expert editor and author of the foreword to the Serbian edition.

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