About Publishing Center
The activities of the Publishing Center at the Faculty of Music include the publication of peer-reviewed printed and electronic publications: subject textbooks, manuals, workbooks, proceedings of scientific and professional conferences of teachers and students, thematic proceedings, studies, monographs, sheet music, compact discs, journals, and other publications authored by the faculty’s teachers.
The faculty conducts publishing activities independently or in collaboration with other institutions.
Distribution and sales of publications are exclusively carried out through the faculty’s bookstore.
Rulebook on the work of the Publishing Center of the Faculty of Music
The Commission for Publishing Activities approves the issuing of publications. The National Library of Serbia assigns the International Standard Book Number (ISBN), International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), International Standard Music Number (ISMN), Digital Object Identifier (DOI), and International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) for all types of publications. The CIP (Cataloging-in-Publication) record is published either in integral form or as an identification number under which the publication is listed in the electronic catalog of the National Library of Serbia.
The members of the Publishing Activity Commission are:
1. Associate professor Branka Popović, DMA, president of the Publishing Activity Commission
2. Professor Slobodan Gerić, DMA, Dean
3. Professor Milena Stanišić, DMA, Vice-dean for artistic work
4. Professor Nikola Dedić, PhD
5. Professor Milena Petrović, PhD
6. Associate professor Maja Mihić, DMA
7. Vladimir Gligorić, DMA, Independent collaborative pianist
8. Assistant Professor Iva Nenić, PhD
Head of the Publishing Center
Professor Tijana Popović Mlađenović, PhD
Publishing Activities coordinator
Marija Božović, MA
Vladimir Nenadić, Associate Technical Professional for Publishing Activities